
As many of you will know, I tend to do a lot of things instead of sticking to one project. I've decided that instead of creating multiple sites and pages etc which are fun to do but time-consuming to style and update all the time, I will create an affiliates page that lists everything I'm doing that isn't directly associated with my builds.

I'll keep this page updated as best as I can.

Control System Write Up

I wrote this write-up as a way to help new builders start off their research into the control systems. Anytime I see a new builder join the groups, and they asked about the control systems, I keep seeing people with the default options of “Check the forum” or offering the go-to systems.

The purpose of the Guide is to offer both new and existing builders an overview of all the current systems that the Droid Builders offer. It is supposed to allow the builder to understand what systems are out there, the basic understanding of how they work as well as pros and cons of each system. One of the best parts about the guide is that it is written by builders for builders, all the experiences and information comes from other builders and the Droid Wiki. You can view the latest version here - Control System Guide

Just Giving for Pedge Wadley

One of our own, Pedge Wadley, has sadly received some terrible news recently. He has been diagnosed with MND (Motor Neuron Disease) and is currently waiting to see a specialist and get his medication. Sadly, at this moment he is unable to get the NHS to pay for his medication which is setting him back £500 per month with him being on it for a minimum of 6 months.

Pedge is a great guy, wonderful builder and a perfect C-3PO, even getting the seal of approval from Anthony Daniels himself, and it only seemed fitting that the guy who does countless events and charity fundraisers to help other people should be helped in his time of need. I set up this JustGiving page and called up everyone within the Star Wars Community to help. I'm looking to raise £3,000.00 to pay for the full 6 months for Pedge to help him and his family. The current updates is that he is able to take the medication without being landed with any bad effects on his health. You can donate here - JustGiving for Pedge