March 2019

Foot Drive Inside Shell
Foot Drives

So this month I have cracked on with the foot drives. They're pretty long prints, but they're now done except the omni-wheels and belts/ tires. I'm trying to find a substitute for the tires and drive belts as I've priced up some NinjaFlex Filament and considering how much I will use it (not a lot) I don't really want to fork out £40+ for it. Bit of a problem there. On the plus side they fit into the shells I had printed, and they look great! I do however need some countersunk screws as the standard ones I ordered for other parts cause the drives to be wonky and not fit in right so that's a bit of an issue but until he is actually moving around I won't worry about it.

Custom PSI

Electronics wise this month was pretty good! I ordered a Voltage Monitor for a few quid and hooked it up and it's pretty handy to have, I've just to go figure out where to mount it! As some of you may know, my good builder buddy Darren P has created some custom PSI's for R2 using an RGB LED Matrix and an Arduino so after working with him, I managed to get mine sorted! I have also 3D modeled and printed custom holders and a diffuser to fit my dome which I'm happy to share with everyone as they're a great cheap alternative from the Teeces. Using a custom diffuser with little top and bottom layers and square inner walls followed by a light sanding to frost up the clear filament allowed the light from the PSI's to shine through exposing the inner walls and it worked out great!

I'm currently working on a custom Logic system that hopefully will be just as good as the Teeces and at half the price, so far I've got it working with a Red LED Matrix but I'm constantly trying to re-work it and so far I've gotten positive feedback!

Re-doing Parts
Re-doing Parts

I also got sick of seeing half done parts on my droid, with Sci-Fi Scarbrough coming up I wanted things to be a lot better so I ripped out a lot of his Grebles and re-glued and re-fitted them. Safe to say I felt a lot better! Managed to get the magnets in his horseshoes stuck in so they don't come out (so far!) when I take his horseshoes off. So far so good!

Blood Sacrifice
Blood Sacrifice 105368415721158905...

Yep... it hurt.